
Tus traducciones de mis informes médicos fueron fundamentales en el servicio de urgencias del Royal Infirmary de Glasgow para aplicar un tratamiento de una manera rápida. El médico que me atendió se quedó impresionado: “¡Cuántos detalles y qué precisión! ¡Ya me sé su historial médico hasta el último detalle!” O sea, la traducción tuya ha sido magnífica y estoy muy agradecida.
Maribel Serrano


Thank you for this very well-researched and thoughtful translation.
It’s a pity I don’t have time to comment on all the spot-on word choices and careful turns of phrase but I would like to say that I really enjoyed revising this text.

Gail Craigie


Gracias por una revisión tan exhaustiva, y por la mejora léxica y gramatical del escrito.
Ha sido, como siempre, un placer trabajar contigo. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo tan meticuloso.

Aina Faus Bertomeu


Emma nos entregó una traducción sumamente cuidada y natural de nuestra web, de esas que se leen como si hubieran sido escritas originalmente en la lengua de destino. Entendió desde un principio la importancia del proyecto y nos dio muestras abundantes de su celo profesional y su preocupación por el detalle. Me parece una traductora confiable, seria, difícil de no recomendar.
José Antonio de la Riva Fort


I have had the pleasure of copy editing some of Emma’s translations of lengthy and complex original research articles over the past several years. Her professionalism is outstanding, her medical expertise is a definite asset, and her queries are clear, pleasantly respectful, and on target. Emma ensures a finished translation that is readable and makes sense.
Ellen Lilly


I have worked with Emma for many years and I really consider her to be a true professional. The quality of her translation work has always been excellent, she is very realistic about delivery dates and always keeps to them.
The medical texts she translates read as good (or better) than the original text - what more could you want!

Patricia Springall


Emma helped me out translating a medical report recently. She was very pleasant to deal with, she delivered the job quickly, and the quality of her work indicates that she is truly a master at her craft. I highly recommend her.
Richard James Lardi


Trabajo con Emma desde hace muchos años. Le agradezco su buena disposición y su puntualidad en las entregas.
Carmen Maestro


Emma helped me with a very technical problem in SDL Trados Studio, demonstrating a high level of expertise in this program and also a generous and kind nature. Thank you very much, Emma!
Véronica Coquard


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